Atari joystick at the male connector
\1 2 3 4 5/   1 = Up     3 = Left   5 = n/c   7 = n/c     9 = n/c
 \6_7_8_9/    2 = Down   4 = Right  6 = Fire  8 = Ground

Sord M5 joystick at computer side (?)

 1  6    1 = Button -   4 = Down
4    5   2 = Up/ATB     5 = Right/ATA
 3/\2    3 = Left       6 = Direction -

4016 Quad Bilateral switch
      __ __
Y0 1 |\ v  | 14 VDD 3-15V
Z0 2 |/\---| 13 enable E0
Z1 3 |\  --| 12 enable E3
Y1 4 |/  \/| 11 Y3
E1 5 |    \| 10 Z3
E2 6 |----/|  9 Z2
VSS7 |____\|  8 Y2

A1-A9 = Atari joystick, S1-S6 = Sord joystick
R1-R6 = Resistors 10 kOhm, D1-D6 = Diodes

E0-E3 = Enable on a 4016 (need 2)
Y0-Y3 = Inputs from Sord, Z0-Z3 = Outputs to Sord
,-------------------------------*------O 2  (+)   1  o  o  6
|   ,---------------------------|------O 3        4 o    o 5
|   |    ,----------------------|------O 4        3  o/\o  2
|   |    |    ,------------*----|------O 5         computer
|   |    |    |            |    |
up left down right        ATA  ATB <- fire buttons
|   |    |    |            |    |   <- add diodes here
`---*----*----*------------|----|------O 6
                           `----*------O 1  (-)

      A8 ------------------------------ 9V (+)
                     __ __       
      S3 -------- 1 |  v  | 14 -------- 9V
      S6 ---<|--- 2 |     | 13 -- A3 -- R3 -- 0V
      S6 ---<|--- 3 |     | 12 -- A1 -- R1 -- 0V
      S5 -------- 4 |     | 11 -------- S2
0V -- R4 -- A4 -- 5 |     | 10 ---|>--- S6
0V -- R2 -- A2 -- 6 |     |  9 ---|>--- S6
      0V -------- 7 |_____|  8 -------- S4